Website Privacy Policy

Personal Information:
When you visit (referred to as ‘the website’), we might ask for your personal information like your name, email, mobile number, and city. We use this information to understand our users better and send them relevant ads through emails, SMS, or WhatsApp, but only if they agree. We never share this personal information with other websites. You can choose not to give us these details if you don’t want to, as they’re not mandatory to use the website.

Non-Personal Information:
We may track your browser info, network, and behavior on the website to generate statistics and reports, helping us improve user experience.

We use cookies to keep registered users logged in or track their behavior on the site.

3rd Party Advertisements:
You might see ads on our site that link to other websites. We carefully choose ad networks, but once you click on an ad, you’ll go to a different website not associated with Check the advertiser’s disclaimer and privacy policy before using any information from their site.

Privacy Policy Acceptance:
By continuing to use the website, we assume you agree to our privacy policy. If you don’t agree, please stop using the website. We can change our privacy policy anytime, so please check it regularly.